Hello, hello! I’m Dani. I am an Idaho native. We live on a 40 acre farm where our seven children can thrive! And thrive they do; in the chicken coop, under the pine trees, in-between the rows of beans in our garden and chasing the goats out of the lawn and back to the pasture.

We bought my grandparents beloved old 1950’s farmhouse, which they built. There is something special about that. I can feel old wisdom in these walls. Sometimes the old ways are the best ways.

Life has been a journey for our little big family. Many years ago, my sweet little two-year-old (oldest child), would pick up every bug imageable from other sneezy, coughing kiddos his age. Everywhere we went, especially during the cold winter months, he was always getting sick. It became so common that I would spend a lot of my time in the doctor’s office getting set up for home breathing treatments and/or picking up something to stop the constant ear infections.
When number two came along, so did more of the constant unrelenting sicknesses, only now I had two kids instead of one. I knew then that it was time to change something. I couldn’t keep doing the same things expecting different results. So, I began searching for answers.
Many years (and kids) later, God has guided me to people, places, and circumstances that have taught me how to raise healthy children and support their immune systems to be strong. In undeniable ways, I have been given very specific guidance and direction for my children, that has shaped and changed my entire perspective on health and nutrition. Sooo much research and lots of hands on applying what I’ve learned has been a game changer. It actually is possible to go through a full winter with a whole pile of kids (as my husband would put it haha!), and be able to support their immune systems, allowing their bodies to heal from home in the way that bodies were meant to heal.

A few things I’ve learned.
- It does matter what you eat! Sprouted wheat flour (among other foods) has changed our lives. Sprouted wheat flour is similar to sourdough. It has been broken down and essentially pre-digested making it the one of the very best choices for healthy flour!
- Herbs were made to help heal our bodies. They have a light and intelligence all their own and when we use them to help us heal, they know exactly what to do. Having a love and appreciation for them actually makes them work better.
- Our brains are powerful tools to healing. They believe what we say and think about ourselves. Always think positively in every situation, especially concerning your health and what you are capable of doing. “The psyche is the largest influence on the overall structure, physiology, function, and pain or freedom of pain in the body”~ Paul Check.
- In our modern fast pace society, many want a quick fix (pill) to Band-Aid every pain, discomfort, or emotion felt. However, the pain we experience is teaching us that something is out of alignment. Our physical problems have a root cause which is usually a deep seeded emotion that has gone unchecked for a long time.
- The truest source of healing comes from God. He is able to guide us through the process if we have a sincere desire to learn. The first step is to ask him directly and then start walking. He will open doors and windows you never knew about before.
My #1 goal in creating this blog is simply to give what I have learned on this journey to anyone who is searching for answers.
If you suffer from health challenges of any kind, some of these ideas might change your life, like they have mine. I sincerely hope you can discover many new ways to help keep you and your loved ones healthier. I’m just an average mama who wants to thrive and see my family do the same! I want this for you too. I hope you will find exactly what you need here. Join us!