Ear infections and earaches can be healed naturally in your own home. In this post, you will learn several amazing remedies that have worked over the course of many years for our seven children (and two adults).

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We have definitely experienced our share of earaches and ear infections in our family over the course of many years. As a young mother (years ago) and very inexperienced, I didn’t know there were any other options besides antibiotics for ear infections. I love good doctors. I’m so grateful for modern medicine. But sometimes, antibiotics are not the answer, and thankfully our family doctor knows this as well.
Anyone experienced a yeast infection after taking antibiotics? That’s because not only do they kill the bad guys, but they also kill the good guys in your gut. In fact, they wipe out the good guys (one of your first lines of defense!).
Solution? Taking a good probiotic will help, better yet, grow your own water kefir grains (they can be loaded with up to 40 strains of gut healthy bacteria- so much more powerful than a probiotic pill) and drink it daily! This is our favorite water kefir that is gut healthy! We add it to our smoothies every morning. Don’t be intimidated if you’ve never grown kefir. It is easy. Learn more here.
That being said, there are so many other options to heal an ear infection that are wonderful and easy! So, let’s get started!
Can Onions Cure Ear Infections and Earaches?
Yes, onions can heal ear infections and earaches!

Many years ago, I learned this little tidbit from Doctor Patrick Jones with the Home-Grown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine. While taking one of his herbal classes, he mentioned that he never took any of his 15 children to the doctor for an ear infection. What?
“What if you could just grind up an onion, strain the pulp through a hanky and squirt the onion juice into Junior’s ear and get immediate resolution of his earache with the added benefit of not beating up his gut flora with antibiotics? Well, you can. I’ve done it countless times.”
A Little Herbal Knowledge Can Save You A Fortune! (homegrownherbalist.net)
We have done it countless times as well. It works, every. single. time. Simply grind up an onion, strain out the pulp, squeeze the juice in a handkerchief directly into the ear (just like Doc recommends). Another option is squeezing the onion juice into a small bowl and using a dropper, fill the ear up with the juice (no pulp). Keep the juice in the ear for at least 20 minutes. Then drain out and do the other side if needed.
How does it work? Onions and garlic (both are in the same family so work the same) contain chemicals that are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. These chemical constituents are quick to soothe inflammation and pain.
If you’d rather skip making it yourself, this is a great product you can buy online. It is made with garlic and mullein. Keep in mind that garlic and onion do that same thing.
Another option- chop up the garlic or onion and put it into a handkerchief. Put a rubber band or tie around the handkerchief to keep it closed up. Lay it on child’s ear.
The process of administering is the same for this and all of the remedies below. Have your patient lay down on a pillow with the infected ear up. Using a dropper, fill the ear canal with the oil/remedy. If it is an oil, make sure it has cooled completely. Let it sit for a minimum of 20 minutes. Then you can sit up, let it drain out of the ear onto a tissue and use that tissue to clean around the outside of the ear.
Note- I believe in many natural remedies, but I am not a qualified health care professional. Use your best judgement when trying new remedies. If pain persists, then seek out a physician.
How to Use Mullein Flowers for Ear Infections
Mullein is a very powerful medicinal plant that helps with coughing. It has a calming influence on the nerves around the bronchi. We use the big soft leaves during the looong Idaho winters for coughs. But the flowers are actually the strongest part of the plant and are primarily used for ear infections.

Making an infused oil of mullein flowers to drop in ears at a moment’s notice is a good idea.
To do this, put as much dried mullein flowers in a pint jar (or a glass jar) as you would like. Cover with olive oil, up to about 1/4 of an inch over the top of the plants. Screw a lid on and shake. Store in a dark place and shake every day. In about two weeks, strain out the mullein flowers, and you will have an infused oil!
To speed up the process, place jar without lid on a candle warmer or the oil/mullein mixture into a double broiler. When the oil takes on the full color of the plant, you will know it is done. On the stove it should only take an hour or so and around 8 hours or so on a candle warmer.
If you’d rather purchase the oil online, this is a great choice.
Natural Remedies to Heal Ear Infections
Here are a few other natural remedies that have worked well for us to heal ear infections.
This ear oil is so convenient because it is already made and ready to go. It contains olive oil, lavender oil, mullein extract, tea tree oil, echinacea extract, and garlic oil. We love this one!
Ever heard of Grapefruit Seed Extract also known as GSE?
Practitioners of alternative medicine say grapefruit seed extract possesses antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties and recommended its use for the treatment of candidiasis, earaches, throat infections and diarrhea.
6 Grapefruit Seed Extract Benefits You Won’t Believe – Dr. Axe (draxe.com)
I love grapefruit seed extract! I’ve used it for canker sores, sore gums, thrush in the mouth, BV which tends to creep around with every pregnancy, and many other health ailments. This is the form I like to buy it in. But for ear infections this one has a nice little ear dropper.

Elderberry syrup is another wonderful natural remedy that will help boost your immune system. In addition to ear treatments, we like to add this anti-viral, anti-bacterial syrup while we are experiencing sickness. This one is taken orally.
It is so simple to make from home! Find out how here.

During bouts of sickness, we like to sip on bone broth or make bone broth chicken soup. Not only is it full of essential vitamins and minerals, bone broth aids in healing and hydration to the body. Learn more about it here.
So, there you have it. If you are prone to ear infections or earaches, I’m confident some of these natural remedies will help (fingers crossed!). Thankfully we haven’t been to the doctor for an ear infection in many years. Use your best judgement when deciding what is best for you and your family. Hoping you have the best of health!